LIC pension plan: Pension plan from LIC: Retirement plan from LIC: Pension from LIC OF INDIA

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  • LIC pension plan: Pension plan from LIC: Retirement plan from LIC: Pension from LIC OF INDIA

When it comes to pension, a picture of regular income after retirement comes into mind. Very few people have idea, how pension funds work in India but an investor expects that there should be enough flexibility, high risk cover, high, safe & tax free returns in pension funds.

Pension funds do not provide any flexibility, high insurance cover and tax free returns at all. This is valid to all insurers operating in India and most of them even do not have any instruments like pension plans.

LIC OF INDIA, the biggest life insurer has more than 45 plans as on today can definitely fulfill the requirements of an investor who is looking for pension plan for his retirement with a lot of flexibility, high risk cover, reasonably high, tax free and safe returns.

Pension with a lot of flexibility, high risk cover, reasonably high, tax free and safe returns can easily be created using the combination of plans from LIC OF INDIA. There can be various combination depending upon once requirements and they will be always be better then existing pension plans available today in insurance industry.

LIC advisors listed on LIC HELPLINE are equipped with special softwares from LIC that they can easily fulfill your requirement of pension plan.


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