Address Change

How to change the address in LIC policy

Address change for a policy can be done Online or Offline.

Procedure for change the Address  in LIC policy ONLINE:

For changing address online, the policyholder has to create an account at LIC OF INDIA and he has to enrol his policy in his account. After enrolling his LIC POLICY, the policyholder has to get ENROLLMENT FORM verified from any branch of LIC OF INDIA after signing it. After this verification, the LIC POLICYHOLDER can change the address own his own without visiting the branch office of LIC OF INDIA.

Procedure for change lic policy address OFFLINE:

For changing address OFFLINE, the LIC POLICYHOLDER has to write a letter to LIC OF INDIA mentioning his policy number. He also has to produce a proof of address along with the letter. This will be done only in his home branch i.e. the branch which issued the policy. EDMS & E-FEAP are the projects under process; once they will be successfully operational the address can be changed from any of the LIC branches without visiting the home branch.

For having any further doubts about address change, please discuss it at LIC HELPLINE FORUM.

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    Life insurance Query Form

    change the address in lic policy
    change the address in lic policy


    Is it necessary to change address in LIC policy?

    Yes, it is always neccessary to keep the address updated in your LIC policy. If you have changed your mobile and email then your address is the primary source of corrospondence with you. 

    Is it necessary to change address in LIC policy?

    Yes, it is always neccessary to keep the address updated in your LIC policy. If you have changed your mobile and email then your address is the primary source of corrospondence with you. 

    What are the documents required for change of address in LIC policy?

     List of documents required to change the address in your LIC policy.

    1. Any address proof ( Adhar, DL, passport, Any utility bill, Voter Id Card)
    2. Any id proof ( Adhar, DL, passport,  Voter Id Card)
    3. Letter to the branch manager in which you are applying for change of address. 

    How to write a letter to LIC for change of address??


    The Branch Manager


    (enter the location with pin code)

    Sub: Change of address in LIC policy

    Dear Sir,

    I hereby request you to change the address in my LIC policy as i have updated my address. My policy number is ………………………. Required documents are attached alongwith. 

    Thanking you

    yours sincerly




    Email id………………………………

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