Endownment plans

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]LIC Endowment policy is one of the most famous products of LIC that is payable to the policyholder either at the time of death or after the completion of the policy. The policyholder also gets the compounded bonus each year during the term. Bonus is however depends on the profit ratio of the insurance company and it is not guaranteed. LIC Endowment plan is a combination of both i.e. insurance and investment. These types of policies are also obtainable with limited premium payment term by which you can reduce your premium paying term. Whole life term plans have lesser annual premiums as compared to endowment plans. LIC Endowment plus is getting popular day by day and we all can get these policies under one roof here at Lichelpline.com.

  • Unit linked insurance policies with choice of four investment funds.
  • Death Benefit includes Higher of Sum assured or Fund Value.
  • Option to decrease the Sum Assured during the policy tenure.
  • Choice of two riders is Accidental Death Benefit and Critical Illness Benefit cover.


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