LIC JEEVAN AKSHAY VII – Single premium, guaranteed, whole life, Pension plan of LIC.
Why you should buy Pension Plans of LIC?
No Social Security: In India, the population is huge and support for pensions from the government is very less. So in order to have a regular income one should definitely buy LIC retirement schemes.
Nuclear Families: In the mid-20th Century people used to live in joint families but now people are living in nuclear families. Who will support them in old age?
Increasing living cost: The cost of living in India is increasing day by day, it will not be easy to survive after retirement if you will not have any pension.
Start Early save Big: If you will start saving towards your pension fund at around 25 to 30 years of age of your life then over a period of time it will grow a big amount and you will get a handsome pension.
Pension Plan Quote
Lic pension plan single premium Immediate annuity – LIC JEEVAN AKSHAY VII
Table No. 857
LIC Jeevan Akshay VII is the Single premium, guaranteed income, whole life, pension plan of LIC.
Age entry: Minimum 30yrs of age.
Max age entry: 85years
Minimum purchase amount: Rs 1 lac
Max purchase amount: No Limit
Mode of Pension : Monthly, Quarterly, Half-yearly, Yearly, This retirement scheme is also called monthly pension scheme
Benefits of LIC Jeevan Akshay VII
What Is the Eligibility of This Plan
Benefits of LIC Jeevan Akshay VII
Benefits of LIC Jeevan Akshay VII
Benefits of LIC Jeevan Akshay VII
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